Performance Objective/Aim: To be successfully happy OR to be happily successful.
Myth: With age you become more cynical.
Fact: With age you are more cynical.
At 19, I feel the range of mental and physical stress weighing down on me.
I once was happy go-lucky. Now, I'm more realistic. Whether it be in a negative or positive light.
cut the bullshit.
That's the one thing I've truly learned to live by.
No more sugar-coating. As much as we all love it, it is not healthy for us mentally and physically.
The simple things that used to make me happy barely satisfy me. I suddenly want more out of life.
I need adventure.
I need mystery.
I need security.
I need answers.
I need balance.
I need contradiction.
When we are at this age:
not a baby, not a child, but a pre-adult-
We have harbored the happiness.
We have discovered what brings us the happiness.
Now it is up to us whether we maintain it,
or release it.
For what brought us that happiness once before,
does not last forever.
"Memories don't live like people do.."
-but yet memories are what lives are built on