Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Staten Island, NY is equivalent to Forks, WA

I've turned this blog into complaint city. And even though I have soooo much to complain about right now, I'll only do it for like a couple sentences.. instead of a bunch of paragraphs. So, let's get this puppy started, yeah?

Okay. First things first, I hate NYC Transit "officers". They're rude and can't cut a girl some slack. I don't want to get into the details of how I got fined $100.. but let's just say that I GOT FINED $100!

Second things second, I have this horrid 5-page paper due tomorrow on formalist criticism. And I was totally complaining about a paper on Nike. Glad I figured out the levels of difficulty. It's ridiculously unnecessary for me to do this much work at the end of the semester. It's the last thing I want to do, and it's the last thing I actually have to do ( besides the actualy test taking part ). Ughhhh! Can't anybody help me write this thaang?

THE END OF COMPLAINTS ( major complaints that is )

Now.. That wasn't so bad was it? On a brighter note, I finished the book that I was reading! I somehow got all caught up in the hype and joined the crowd of girls who are in love with this fictional character. Though, I'm not fully in love, mostly partially. I say partially because when I close the book, I realize that I'm still in this world that doesn't have blood sucking vampires in it. Or am I wrong? Whether I'm wrong or right doesn't quite matter to me. What matters to me is the hiddeous rain we've been having. Not to go on about this book that I shall not dare name or admit to reading, but the weather here has been relatively similar to the weather in Washington. ..Who knew April heatwaves can bring May showers?


1 comment:

  1. Twilight! She Was Reading Twilight! I Saw Her!!!

    <3 You Carlynnuh
